Saturday, 9-7-19
3 RFT:
30 Wall Ball 20/14
30 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 75/55
30 Box Jump 20/18
30 Push Presses 75/55
30 Cal Row
30 Push-Ups
10 Back Squats (Bodyweight)
*Take the back squats from a rack*
3 RFT:
30 Wall Ball 20/14
30 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 75/55
30 Box Jump 20/18
30 Push Presses 75/55
30 Cal Row
30 Push-Ups
10 Back Squats (Bodyweight)
*Take the back squats from a rack*
Warm up 3 RDs 25 D/U 10 KBS 10 Box Step Ups For reps- 8 min AMRAP 50 D/U 2:1 40 Sit-Up rest 6 min 8 min AMRAP 12 Box Jumps 24″/20″ 10 Deadlifts 225/155 8 Lat Burpee Over Bar rest 6 min 8 min AMRAP 10 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35 5 Right Arm DB…
Strength – Bench Press 5-5-5-5 W.O.D. “Christine” 3 Rounds For Time Row 500m 12 Deadlift @ Bodyweight 21 Box Jumps 20″
6 min EMOM 3 Hang Power Clean + 2 Power Cleans + 1 Clean @ 70-80% 4 Rounds: 1 min- Ring Push ups 1 min- Deadlifts 135/95 “Fran” 21-15-9 Thruster 95/65 Pull up After WOD’s are your time for skill work on “open” skills you need to personally work on (d/u’s, c2b pull ups, t2b,…
4 RFT 50 Air Squats 25/20 Cal Row 8 Bar M/U (16 C2B Pull Up) 4 Tire Flips *25 min Cap* Tires are dirty, so don’t wear your Sunday best.
Strength/Skill – Front Squat 75×5, 80×4, 85×3, 90×3 AMRAP – 5 Minutes: 5 Power Clean and Jerk (155/105) 5 Bar Holding Burpees Rest 5 Minutes AMRAP – 5 Minutes: 7 KB Swings (72/53) 5 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
For time 400 meter run 6 Power snatches 12 thrusters 18 Front rack lunges 500 meter row 24 Over bar burpees 30 Wall balls 36 Double unders (scale 3:1 singles) 400 meter run 400 run is around building One bar Rx+: 135/95, 30/20 Rx: 115/80, 20/14 Adv: 95/65, 20/14 Beg: 75/55, 16/10