Thursday, 12-21-17
Back Squats
8×4 @ 55-80% 1RM
Weighted Pull Ups
For time:
12 Power Clean and Jerks 165/125
then 2 rds of…
15 T2B
15 C2B
12 Power Clean and Jerks 165/125
Back Squats
8×4 @ 55-80% 1RM
Weighted Pull Ups
For time:
12 Power Clean and Jerks 165/125
then 2 rds of…
15 T2B
15 C2B
12 Power Clean and Jerks 165/125
Strength/ Skill: 3 Tempo 2-0-4-1 Deadlifts @ 60%. (2 sec. count up, 0 sec. at top, 4 sec.count down, 1 sec. rest. There are many reasons to use tempo training. Here’s just a brief list: •Improved body awareness •Improved control of lifts •Development of connective tissue strength •Improved stability •Focus on muscular elements versus tendinous…
Warm up 3 RDs 10 BB Power Snatch 5 OHS 10 Ring Row E2MOM for 10 min 2 Sq. Snatches start @ 65% 1 RM and build For time: 100 Pull ups 100 k2e 400′ 2-KB Front Rack Walk 53/35 100 Push Press 95/65 * Complete in any order, in the fastest way you can*…
No classes Monday evening! Strength/Skill – 3X10 Deadlifts @ 70% – rest exactly 2:30 For time: 100 Double-Unders 50 Ab-Mat Sit-ups 40 (steps) Walking Lunges (front rack) 135/95# 30 Shoulder to OH 135/95# 20 HSPU It would be advantageous do some pull-ups or ring rows after this WOD. There is a lot of pushing here…
ATTENTION 5AM CLASS. YOU MUST SIGN IN BY 8PM THE NIGHT BEFORE. Need at least 3 to have the class. You will be able to see from the app who is signed in. *****July 4th hours: 8,9 and 10am only!!! We are starting a 6 week CrossFit weightlifting program beginning Monday. Please see…
Strength/Skill: 10 min 1 Power Snatch 1 Snatch Push Press 1 OHS 1 Snatch Balance 4 RFT 10 Hang Cleans 135/95 10 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 200m run
Memorial weekend schedule: Thursday no 7 PM, Friday 6 & 7 AM, 4, 5, & 6 PM, NO Saturday classes. Memorial Day: 9 AM & 10:30 AM Murph. BBQ is @ 1PM. Deadlifts: 10 @ 50 10 @ 65 6 @ 75 8 @ 80 6 @ 85 4 @ 90% of 1RM 3RFT…