Thursday, 6-23-16
No 6PM Class Friday.
10min EMOM
min1: 40 D/U’s
min2: 15 Wall Balls
Deadlift 225/185
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps 24/20
No 6PM Class Friday.
10min EMOM
min1: 40 D/U’s
min2: 15 Wall Balls
Deadlift 225/185
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps 24/20
Strength/Skill – Mid thigh snatch/Snatch X 5 Then, EMOM x 10 minutes, alternating: Evens- :20 handstand hold Odds- 20 sec L-Sit Hold 10 RFT 10 Med Ball Cleans 20/14 10 Push Ups
No PM classes.I will offer a make-up class Saturday at 11am for challengers only. 6 and 7 am classes only today. Stay tuned for PM classes. Come on everyone!!! I think Kryptonite can do better. Our fundraiser is for our military. One last Wod!! This is our last week. Please be generous!!!These people are protecting…
In a 3 person team complete 6 RFT- 10 single arm DB OHS 50/35 (5 each arm) 20 HSPU 2:1 30 DB Deadlifts 50/35 40/30 Cal Row *1 person works at a time* **2 KB’s 53/35 must be held during the wod while one person works. 1 person may hold both KB’s if wanted**
EMOM x 5 min 5 Strict Press For time: 30/25 Cal Row 60 Hollow Rocks 30/25 Cal Row 60 Weighted Sit-Up 40/25 30/25 Cal Row 60 T2B 30/25 Cal Row *26 min Cap*
Strength/Skill – E.M.O.M. – 14 mins. Even Minute – 4 Front Squats 155/115 (From Floor)) Odd Minute – Beg. – 5 Pull-ups. Int. – 10 Pull-ups. Adv. – 10 C2B Pull-ups Matt and Janels WOD 1 Row 500m 20 Burpee B.J. Over’s 40 Wall Balls 60 D/U/’s New open gym hours – Tuesdays & Thursdays…
Strength: 5X5 Front Squats @ 70% Three rounds of: Max reps in a min. Pass Throughs (w.push up in the front and dip in the back) Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps) Burpees (Reps) Push-press, 75/55 pounds (Reps) Pull Ups (reps) 1 min rest