Thursday 7-9-15
4×10 Increasing weight each set
6x100m w/ 10sec b/t reps
5x200m w/ 20sec b/t reps
4x300m w/ 30sec b/t reps
3x400m w/ 40sec b/t reps
*Rest 2 min between sets*
4×10 Increasing weight each set
6x100m w/ 10sec b/t reps
5x200m w/ 20sec b/t reps
4x300m w/ 30sec b/t reps
3x400m w/ 40sec b/t reps
*Rest 2 min between sets*
Strength: 6×2 Snatch Pull 100% of more of Snatch WOD: 8 Min AMRAP- 10 Thrusters 95/65 10 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ 25 D/U Rest 3 Min 6 Min AMRAP- 25 D/U 10 Box Jump Overs 10 Thrusters 75/45
Warm up 3 RDs 25 D/U 10 KBS 10 Box Step Ups For reps- 8 min AMRAP 50 D/U 2:1 40 Sit-Up rest 6 min 8 min AMRAP 12 Box Jumps 24″/20″ 10 Deadlifts 225/155 8 Lat Burpee Over Bar rest 6 min 8 min AMRAP 10 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35 5 Right Arm DB…
3RFT 25 Weighted Sit Ups w/DB 35/25 10 Bar M/U’s 400m run Strength: Strict Press- 5 @65% 5 @75% 5+ @85% of 1RM(Trying to max out reps here. Need to hit at least 5.)
Our on-line catalog is ready. Click on / to start placing your orders. Christmas party is this Saturday…6PM. 10 min EMOM Even – 5 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 Odd – 10 Slam Balls 30/20 3 RFT 20 Wall Ball 20/14 20 SDHP 95/65 20 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ 20 Thruster 95/65 60 D/U 3:1…
Don’t forget to place your gear order. Sale ends Saturday. 10 min EMOM 3 OHS *Work up in weight* rest 2 min 10 min EMOM 1 Snatch Grip Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Sntach + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Sq. Snatch *Build to a moderate weight, not a max* “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155 HSPU…
Strength/Skill – Mid Thigh Power Snatch 3 x 5 5 min A.M.R.A.P. 8 D.B Snatches 45/25 8 One arm D.B.Lunges 45/25 Rest 3 mins. 5 min A.M.R.A.P. 5 Thrusters 95/65 5 S.D.H.P 95/65 Rest 3 mins. 5 min A.M.R.A.P. 25 D/U’s 10 Burpess (Hopping on to a 25 lb. plate) Three Seperate scores (i.e.) 3/5/9