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Friday, 5-15-15
3RFT 25 Weighted Sit Ups w/DB 35/25 10 Bar M/U’s 400m run Strength: Strict Press- 5 @65% 5 @75% 5+ @85% of 1RM(Trying to max out reps here. Need to hit at least 5.)
Wednesday, 3/11/15
Partner Row AMCAP in 12min Thruster/ Push Press/ Push Jerk/ Split Jerk 7X1 Go as heavy as possible w/o dropping the bar Rest 2min between efforts.
Saturday, 1-5-19
3 RFT 25/20 Cal Row (20/15 AAB Cal) 12 Devil Press 50/35 6 Rope Climb
Friday, 1-13-12
“Kelly” 5 RFT 400m Run 30 Box Jumps 24/20 30 Wall Balls 20/14 Appropriate attire for outdoor run. Make an effort to complete warm-up :10 past the hour. Kelly is a tough girl!!!!
Monday, 2-3-20
Thanks to everyone who donated to the Thomas Valva Fundraiser this weekend. Through your generosity we raised $ 2320.00. 8 Sets 5 Front Squats 8 Back Squats 65% of Front Squat Rest 2 Min Between Sets Annie 50-40-30-20-10 D/U’s Sit Ups
Friday, 3/11/2011
Strength – Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 W.O.D. – 2 rounds for time: 100 Air Squats 20 Push Jerks (135/95 125/85 115/75) For 15 mins, (ON THE CLOCK) work on your weakness. We will start together.