Thursday, 8-15-13
Strength/Skill – 5 RM BACK SQUAT
For time:
800m run
D.W. Walking Lunge
D.B. Hang Power Clean
D.B. Push Press
800m run
AM Classes bring appropriate clothing it might be cold
Strength/Skill – 5 RM BACK SQUAT
For time:
800m run
D.W. Walking Lunge
D.B. Hang Power Clean
D.B. Push Press
800m run
AM Classes bring appropriate clothing it might be cold
Today’s hours 6,7 and 8AM. Closed tomorrow! Partner WOD 120 Cal Row 100 Pistols 80 Wall Balls 20/14 60 Hang Power Clean 95/65 40 M/U (40 C2b + 40 Dips) *Each partner must complete 1 rep of each movement*
NO 5 OR 6 PM CLASSES – FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 2012 Strength/Skill – Power Clean Four rounds of: 135/95 pound Power clean, 5 reps 135/95 pound Front squat, 10 reps 135/95 pound Jerk, 5 reps Bar Facing Burpees, 10 reps Rest 90 seconds between each round
Skills Day: 5 Min AMRAP- D/U’s Hand Walk/Push-up/Hold Practice Wod: 2 RFT- 18 Cal Row 15 thruster 95/65 12 Pull-ups
WE ARE RUNNING OUTSIDE FOR 1000 METERS, PLEASE BRING APPROPRIATE ATTIRE. Strength/Skill – SNATCH GRIP DEADLIFT For time: Run 1000 meters 100 Push-ups 20 D.B Split Snatches 10 L 10 R From :36 secs. on
For max reps: 1 Minute squat clean, 165#(115#) 3 Minutes rest 1 Minute squat clean 185#(125#) 3 Minutes rest 1 Minute squat clean, 205#(135#) 3 Minutes rest 1 Minute squat clean, 165#(115#) 3 Minutes rest 1 Minute squat clean 185#(125#) 3 Minutes rest 1 Minute squat clean, 205#(135#) Scaled, follow pattern with adding weight you…
7 R.F.T. Run 200 meters 20 Box Jumps, 24/20 20 Medi-Ball Cleans 20/14