Thursday, 8/25/11
Strength/Skill – Double Unders
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Turkish Get-Ups
1 Rope Ascent (Scalability will be provided by Coach Mariana) BRING YOUR TUBE SOCKS
Strength/Skill – Double Unders
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Turkish Get-Ups
1 Rope Ascent (Scalability will be provided by Coach Mariana) BRING YOUR TUBE SOCKS
Warm up 2RDs 10 BB Push Press 10 BB Front Squat 5 BB Hang Power Clean 20 D/U E2MOM for 12 min 3 Power Cleans 3 Hang Power Cleans 3 Push Jerks Build over the course of the 6 sets. 5 min AMRAP 6 DB Power Cleans 50/35 6 HSPU 2:1 rest 3 min 5…
Strength: Deadlifts 10 @ 50 10 @ 60 8 @ 75 6 @ 85 4 @ 90 of 1RM For time: 100′ Walking Lunge 75 D/U’s 50 Box Jumps 24″/20″ 25 Push Up 50 Box Jumps 75 D/U’s 100′ Walking Lunges
Partner Row AMCAP in 12min Thruster/ Push Press/ Push Jerk/ Split Jerk 7X1 Go as heavy as possible w/o dropping the bar Rest 2min between efforts.
REMEMBER WE NOW HAVE 7 PM CLASSES ON TUESDAY’S AND THURSDAY’S 4 PERSON TEAM WOD ON SATURDAY CREATE YOUR TEAM IN ADVANCE!!!! Strength/Skill – Three Positon Power Clean: For load – Mid Thigh, Knee, Floor…in that order 5 attempts For video click here 9-6-3 Squat Snatch – 135/95 Shoulder to Overhead – 155/115 *Remove and…
Spring 30 Day Paleo Challenge, weigh ins May 1st ■Eat a diet rich in nutrients and minerals made from real whole foods: meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts. A diet that supports your physical efforts by giving you energy and reducing inflammation but does not store itself as extra fat on your body. Participants should commit…
Tomorrow there is a run in the workout so please bring appropriate attire. Strength/Skill – Clean High Pulls 75%x3x2, 80%xx3x2, 85%x2 For time: 135/95 pound Thruster, 15 reps Run 200 meters 95/65 pound Thruster, 20 reps Run 400 meters 65/45 pound Thruster, 30 reps Run 800 meters