Tuesday, 11-1-11
Skill/Strength – Romanian Deadlift -Let’s go to the video tape!!!
Power Cleans 135/95
Bar Facing Burpees
CrossFit Kryptonite
Skill/Strength – Romanian Deadlift -Let’s go to the video tape!!!
Power Cleans 135/95
Bar Facing Burpees
CrossFit Kryptonite
Strength – Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 W.O.D. – 2 rounds for time: 100 Air Squats 20 Push Jerks (135/95 125/85 115/75) For 15 mins, (ON THE CLOCK) work on your weakness. We will start together.
Reminder: Saturday Beach WOD at Pikes Beach, @8AM. Gym will be closed. It is a partner WOD. Swimming is not necessary. Please sign up at the front desk. In case of thunder and lightning the beach wod will be cancelled. Strength: Power Clean 70%x3 75%x3 80%x2 85%x2 2RM 15 Min A.M.R.A.P. 1 Wall Climb 7…
Every 2 min for 12 min 3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk Build to a heavy complex 3 RFT 30 Thrusters 75/55 30 T2B *20 min Cap*
Strength: Deadlift 10 @ 60% 8 @ 70% 6 @ 75% 4 @ 80% 2 @ 85% 2 @ 90% -Partner WOD- AMRAP 20: Partner 1: 500m Row Partner 2: AMRAP: 12 OH Plate Lunges 12 Box Jumps 12 Pull Ups * Partner 1 Rows, while Partner 2 does AMRAP. When P1 is done with…
10 min EMOM 3 strict Pull ups 3 T2B 3 CTB Pull ups Tabata 1- Hollow Rocks 2- Super Mans 3- L Hang Hold 4- Plank Hold 1 mile run for Time
Strength/Skill – Weighted Push-ups 5 RM 5 R.F.T. 10 Deadlifts, 225# (155#) 15 Kettlebell swings, 32kg (24kg) 20 Pull-ups