Tuesday, 11-5-19
6X5 Weighted Pull Ups/Negatives
4X10 Weighted Push Ups
2X1 min Weighted Planks
12 min AMRAP
30 D/Us
10 Push Ups
8 Box Jumps 24/20
4 Ring Dips
2 MU
6X5 Weighted Pull Ups/Negatives
4X10 Weighted Push Ups
2X1 min Weighted Planks
12 min AMRAP
30 D/Us
10 Push Ups
8 Box Jumps 24/20
4 Ring Dips
2 MU
Memorial weekend schedule: Thursday no 7 PM, Friday 6 & 7 AM, 4, 5, & 6 PM, NO Saturday classes. Memorial Day: 9 AM & 10:30 AM Murph. BBQ is @ 1PM. 10 min EMOM- 40 yd Sprint(ALL OUT) Strength: 5 X 3 Back Squats @ 85% + 100 Burpee PullUps
With a 15 minute clock, for total reps 5 minutes of thrusters 115/80 4 minutes of double unders (Sub single unders) 3 minutes of bar facing burpees 2 minutes of Bar Muscle Ups (Sub C2B/Pull-ups/Ring Rows) 1 minute of thrusters 115/80 Score is total reps Rest 2 minutes Then Touch and Go Squat Clean Party…
“Aerobic athlete vs. Anaerobic athlete (Like….CrossFit!!)” SO GET OFF THE SHI*#ER AND BECOME A CROSSFITTER!!!! W.O.D. 5 Rounds for time: 7 Deadlifts Sprint to other side of gym 10 Ring assisted pistols 21 Double unders Sprint back
Strength/Skill – Squat/Power C&J 1 RM For Time: 100 Medicine Ball Clean Wall Ball Shots
Skills Day: 5 Min AMRAP- D/U’s Hand Walk/Push-up/Hold Practice Wod: 2 RFT- 18 Cal Row 15 thruster 95/65 12 Pull-ups
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 5AM classes this week!!! Strength: 3 Clean Grip High Hang Shrugs + 2 Clean Grip Hang High Pulls + 1 Power Clean Work up to a heavy complex. Hands do not leave bar 15 min AMRAP 9 Power Cleans 155/115 6 Burpees Increase burpees by 2 every…