Tuesday, 12-31-19
8 and 9 am today.
Closed tomorrow.
Partner WOD
120 Cal Row
100 Pistols
80 Wall Balls 20/14
60 Power Cleans 95/65
40 M/U (40 C2b + 40 Dips)
20 AAB
8 and 9 am today.
Closed tomorrow.
Partner WOD
120 Cal Row
100 Pistols
80 Wall Balls 20/14
60 Power Cleans 95/65
40 M/U (40 C2b + 40 Dips)
20 AAB
NO EIGHT OR NINE AM CLASSES TODAY WEDNESDAY 11-16-11 NO EIGHT OR NINE AM CLASSES TODAY WEDNESDAY 11-16-11 200m Run 5 Bodyweight Cleans 5 Bodyweight push presses 5 Bodyweight back squats 200m run … 7 Bodyweight Cleans 7 Bodyweight push presses 7 Bodyweight back squats 200m run 9 Bodyweight Cleans 9 Bodyweight push presses 9…
For time: 225 pound Deadlift, 21 reps 200m sandbag run 135 pound Push press, 21 reps 225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps 200m sandbag run 135 pound Push press, 15 reps 225 pound Deadlift, 9 reps 200m sandbag run 135 pound Push press, 9 reps Scaling of weight according to strength will be provided
Justin 30-20-10 reps for time of: Body-weight back squats Body-weight bench presses Strict pull-ups U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Justin M. Hansen, 26, of Traverse City, Michigan–assigned to the 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina–died July 24, 2012, in Badghis Province, Afghanistan, while conducting combat operations. He is survived by his…
Strength: EMOM for 12 min 2 Pause Squats w/3 second pause in the bottom start @50% 1RM “NATE” 20 Min AMRAP 2 Ring Muscle Ups (4 c2b + 4 Dips) 4 HSPU 8 KBS 70/53
Strength: Power Snatches work up to a heavy triple 3 Rounds for time of: 50 D/U’s 5 Power Snatches 155/105 rest 2 Rounds for time of: 100 D/U’s 10 Snatches 135/95 rest For time: 200 D/U’s 20 OHS 115/80
7min to get as far as possible in: 10 Power clean 165/115 20 Burpee 30 Box Jump Over 24″/20″ 40 Cal Row 50 T2B 150 D/U *rest 5 min* 10min to get as far as possible in: 10 Power clean 165/115 20 Burpee 30 Box Jump Over 24″/20″ 40 Cal Row 50 T2B 150 D/U…