Tuesday, 4-25-17
Snatch – 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x2x2
Snatch Pull – 110%x2, 115%x2, 120%x2x2
Master’s Online Qualifier 2017
2 rounds for time:
10 deadlifts, 315/ 225
20 deficit handstand push-ups, 4.5-in. deficit
30 front squats, 95/65
Snatch – 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x2x2
Snatch Pull – 110%x2, 115%x2, 120%x2x2
Master’s Online Qualifier 2017
2 rounds for time:
10 deadlifts, 315/ 225
20 deficit handstand push-ups, 4.5-in. deficit
30 front squats, 95/65
Strength: Power Cleans 75x3x2 80x3x2 85x2x2 WOD: 12 Min AMRAP 3 Power Cleans (155/115) 9 Box Jumps (24/20) 15 Double Unders (2 to 1 Singles)
Strength: Jerk 6 X1 as heavy as possible 4 RFT 12 Burpee over the bar 8 Push Jerks 155/105 4 HSPU
Warm up: 2rds at easy pace 5 behind neck snatch grip push press 5 good mornings 5 mid shin muscle snatch 5 Sotts press w/PVC 14 min Clock- 5 Min EMOM 3-Position Power Snatch (Floor, below knee, above knee) Min 1 – 45% Min 2 – 50% Min 3 – 55% Min 4 – 60%…
Warm up- Partner Row for time: 5x200m(Each person does 5 200’s) Strength- Every 90 Seconds, complete 1 Clean Starting at 70%, add 10# every 90sec until failure Wod- 4 RFT: 50 D/U 15 t2b 6 Man Makers 25/15
Strength/Skill – Weighted Push-up 5-5-5-5 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6 Power Cleans 115/85 Front Squat 115/85 Box Jump 24/20
Strength: Thrusters 10×3 Thrusters from a rack Heavy 3 Rep (not a max) 5 RFT 75 D/U’s 2:1 8 S2O 115/85 10 Deadlift 12 t2b *25min Cap*