Tuesday 5-26-15
No 5AM class today!
3×5 Push Press (Build to a heavy 5)
5×3 Split jerk( Starting with last weight for PP. Build to heavy 3)
75 Power Snatches 75/55
No 5AM class today!
3×5 Push Press (Build to a heavy 5)
5×3 Split jerk( Starting with last weight for PP. Build to heavy 3)
75 Power Snatches 75/55
Strength: Push Press – 75% x 5 x 5 Back Squat – 3 x 10 @ 70% Wod: 10 RFT: 1 Deadlift 135/95 1 Power Clean 1 Deadlift 1 Power Clean 15 D/U’s
60/45 Cal Row 45 wall Balls 20/14 15 MU ( 15 C2B and 15 Dips or 20 Pull Ups and 15 Dips) 48/36 Cal Row 36 Wall Balls 12 MU (12 C2B and 12 Dips or 18 Pull Ups and 12 Dips) 36/27 Cal Row 27 Wall Balls 9 MU (9 C2B and 9 Dips…
Strength: C&J 6 singles @85% 20 min AMRAP: 4 Ring Dips 6 s2oh 115/85 8 Pistols
5AM Tuesday and Thursday classes will start next week! Strength/Skill – EMOTM 8 Minutes 1 Clean 2 Jerk 5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Back Squat 135/95 One Arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch – 35/55
Strength: Back Squats 9×3 @ 60-82.5% 1RM 20 min AMRAP 5 c2b 7 t2b 9 Dips 30 D/U
9 min E3MOM Back Squat 3×10 @ 40,45,50% of 1RM Death by (EMOM) – 1 DB Power Clean 50/35 1 DB Push Press 50/35 1 DB Front Squat 50/35 2 DB PC 2 DB PP 2 DB FS 3 3 3… *Increase 1 rep on each movement every minute till failure*