Tuesday 7-26-16
6 Min EMOM
Even: 7-10 Strict Ring Dips
Odd: 4-8 Tall Box Jumps
10 Min EMOM
Even: 50 D/U
Odd: 12 KBS 53/35
Split Jerk
7 sets of 1 rep… trying to build to a heavy single.
6 Min EMOM
Even: 7-10 Strict Ring Dips
Odd: 4-8 Tall Box Jumps
10 Min EMOM
Even: 50 D/U
Odd: 12 KBS 53/35
Split Jerk
7 sets of 1 rep… trying to build to a heavy single.
Overhead Walking Lunge (PVC) 15 Sit-ups 10 Push-ups 5 Pull-ups Burgener W.O.D – For time: 80 squats 95 pound Push press, 10 reps 60 squats 95 pound Push press, 20 reps 40 squats 95 pound Push press, 30 reps 20 squats For Katie Fabs and Cindy P: This video is your homework!!!!
Snow day! We are closed.
Starting MONDAY 6-25-12, THERE WILL NOT BE ANYMORE 5AM CLASSES. ALL TUESDAY / THURSDAY AM CLASSES ARE NOW 6AM & 7AM Run 800m for time Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 reps Deadlift bodyweight for 15 reps Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 reps Squat body weight for 15 reps Clean and Jerk…
For time: 50 KB SDHP 53/35 20m Burpee Broad Jump 40 KB Swings 53/35 20m Burpee Broad Jump 30 Goblet Squats 53/35 20m Burpee Broad Jump 20 KB Power Snatches 53/35 Alternating L&R 20m Burpee Broad Jump 10 KB Pistols 53/35 Alternating L&R Weighted Pull Ups 5X3
July 4th regular morning classes only No afternoon classes. F Strength/Skill – Deadlift – 10 Rep Max 5 R.F.T. 10 Goblet Squats (Plate 45/25) 10 Seated Twists (Plate 45/25) 10 Front Lateral Rises (Plate 45/25) 10 Burpees (On Plate) Plate cannot leave hands until burpees!! 5 Burpee Penalty if so!!!!!!!!!!!
Push Press 5-5-4-2-2 5 R.F.T. 7 Squat Cleans 155/115 14 K.B. Swings 53/35 Strength Work Outs…..making the most of them