Wednesday, 12-18-19
20 Min to complete:
3×8 Bench Press/ Superset w Decline Push Ups to failure
3×10 French Press/ Superset w 25 Bench Dips
3×10 DB Press/ Superset w 10 DB Flyes
20 Pistols
15 T2B
10 KBS 70/53
20 Min to complete:
3×8 Bench Press/ Superset w Decline Push Ups to failure
3×10 French Press/ Superset w 25 Bench Dips
3×10 DB Press/ Superset w 10 DB Flyes
20 Pistols
15 T2B
10 KBS 70/53
E2MOM for 12 min 2 Deadlifts *Increasing, build to a heavy double* 5 min AMRAP Hollow Rocks EMOM- 5 Deadlifts 225/155 …rest 2 min… 7 min AMRAP Wallballs 20/14 EMOM- 5 Deadlifts 225/155
Strength/Skill – 5 attempts to establish a 1RM of the barbell complex: 1 Clean 3 Front Squats 1 Jerk 3 Back Squats 1 Behind the Neck Jerk Notes: All reps must be completed unbroken. The bar may only rest in the front or back rack position. After completing the first Jerk, the bar should be…
Our on-line catalog is ready. Click on / to start placing your orders. Every 2 min for 10 min 5 Strict Press Build to a Heavy 5 “Karen Meets Annie” for time: 30 Wall Ball 20/14 50 D/U 50 Abmat Sit-ups 30 Wall Ball 40 D/U 40 Abmat Sit-ups 30 Wall Ball 30 D/U…
EMOM for 10 min: Odd- 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean Thruster 135/95 TnG Even- 10 knees to elbow + 15 min A.M.R.A.P. 10 O.H.S. 95/65 10 Chin-ups 200m Run
“Filty Fifty” or”Dirty Thirty” Perform 50 or 30 reps of each exercise for time 50 Box jump, 24/20″ 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 35# Walking Lunge, 50 steps 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45/33 pounds 50 Push ups 50 Wall balls, 20/14 pounds 50 Burpees 50 Double unders
Closed Thanksgiving. Friday 8 and 9 am classes only. Christmas party Dec. 16th. Pot luck. Please sign up at the front desk. For time: 36-27-18-9 Wall Balls 20/14 12-9-6-3 Burpee box jump 24″/20″ *Rest 5 minutes then: 21-15-9 reps of: Push Jerk 155/105 HR Push up *Rest 5 minutes then: 40 Overhead Squats 75/55 20…