Wednesday, 3/11/15
Partner Row
AMCAP in 12min
Thruster/ Push Press/ Push Jerk/ Split Jerk
Go as heavy as possible w/o dropping the bar
Rest 2min between efforts.
Partner Row
AMCAP in 12min
Thruster/ Push Press/ Push Jerk/ Split Jerk
Go as heavy as possible w/o dropping the bar
Rest 2min between efforts.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIANA!!!!! ***SUNDAY*** Have fun 😉 Filthy Fifty 50 Box Jumps (24/20 inches) 50 Jumping Pull-Ups 50 Kettlebell Swings (16/12 kg or 35/26 pounds) 50 Walking Lunges (bodyweight) 50 Knees-to-Elbows 50 Push Press (45/35 pounds) 50 Back Extensions 50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 pounds) 50 Burpees 50 Double-Unders
Strength – Weighted push-up 5-5-5-5 W.O.D. “Grace” Clean & Jerk 135 lbs. 30x’s Rest two minutes… Tabata Mountain Climbers
Strength/Skill -Squat – 10 x 3 @ 80% For Time 3 Rounds 20 Deadlifts 20 Push-Ups 2 Rounds 5 Bar Muscle-Ups (Sub 10 Reps any Pull-up Variation) 200m Run 1 Round 20 Squat Cleans Advanced – 135/95 Beginner 115/80
Tony’s Sushi Friday night at 7pm. Say farewell to coach Mike. In teams of 3 – Buy in: 3 Rds 60 HSPU 2:1 20 Bar Mu ( 30 Pull Up + 30 Dips) ..then… 30 Power Snatch 75/55 30 Power Snatch 95/65 30 Power Snatch 115/75 30 Power Snatch 135/95 30 Power Snatch 155/105…
Strength/Skill – Snatch Balance 5 R.F.T. 7 Power Snatches 95/65 7 Snatch Balances 7 O.H Squats Posted by Scott DeTore Crossfit Kryptonite