Wednesday, 4-6-16
EMOM 10 Minutes:
ODD: 5-10 toes to bar
EVEN: 6-12 push ups
On the 3-minute for 30 minutes:
5 Deadlifts 275/185
5 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
20/15 Calorie Row
EMOM 10 Minutes:
ODD: 5-10 toes to bar
EVEN: 6-12 push ups
On the 3-minute for 30 minutes:
5 Deadlifts 275/185
5 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
20/15 Calorie Row
Stretch class with Doug Wednesday July 31st at 8am. 24 min EMOM 1- 15 Hollow Rock 2- 20 Wall Ball 20/14 3- 2 Sq. Snatch @ 75% 1 RM Bodybuilding 4×10 Bicep Curl 4×10 banded tricep Pull Down 4 sets of 21’s 4×10 French Press
15 min to work up to a 2 RM Back Squat reps could look like – 5 @50% 2×3 @ 60% 2 @ 70% 2 @ 80%… ..and continue up to your 2 RM 5 RFT 5 Hang Power Cleans 185/125 10/6 AAB Cal (15/12 Cal Row) 15/12 Push Up *23min Cap* Weekly side work…
In 7 min Max Distance Farmer’s Carry Men use 2 53-pound kettlebells Women use 2 35-pound kettle bells Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 @ 85% 12 min AMRAP 30 Double-unders 10 Power Snatch 95/65 30 Double-unders 11 Power Snatch 30 Double-unders 12 Power Snatch etc, etc, etc…
For time: 60 Goblet Squats 50 Burpee Ball Slams 40 WallBalls 30 Pull-ups 200m Sprint 10 Bar Muscle Ups Burpee Ball Slam Extra Credit Krypto’s Killer Core: 4 Rounds 25 Situps 25 V-Sits 25 L Crunch 25 R Crunch
For time: 100m Row 2- Burpee 3- DB Thruster 45/30 4- DB Power Clean 5- KBS 70/53 6- Pull up 7- DB Step Up 8- Sit Up 9- Hollow Rock 10- V-Up 11- Pistols 12- Man Makers 45/30 (Like 12 days of Christmas)
Skill work….Handstands OPEN 18.4 Diane 21-15-9 reps of: Deadlifts, 225 / 155 lb. Handstand push-ups Then, 21-15-9 reps of: Deadlifts, 315 / 205 lb. 50-ft. handstand walk after each set Scaled: (Ages 16-54) Men deadlift 135 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups, then deadlift 185 lb. and bear crawl Women deadlift 95 lb. and perform hand-release…