Wednesday, 5-22-19
I need a head count for BBQ
12 min EMOM
Min 1- 20 Sit Up
Min 2- 15 Hollow Rock
Min 3- 25 med ball twist 20/14
For time –
100 D/U 3:1
50 Lunges
25 Sq. Snatches 135/95
50 Lunges
100 D/U 3:1
I need a head count for BBQ
12 min EMOM
Min 1- 20 Sit Up
Min 2- 15 Hollow Rock
Min 3- 25 med ball twist 20/14
For time –
100 D/U 3:1
50 Lunges
25 Sq. Snatches 135/95
50 Lunges
100 D/U 3:1
Strength: Front Squat – Work up to a heavy set of 3. 20 MIN EMOM Min 1: 12-15 KB Front Rack Lunges 35/20 Min 2: 12-15 Dips Min 3: 12-15 DB Step-ups 35/20 Min 4: 40 second Plank Hold
Strength:8 min EMOM 3 DEADLIFTS @ 70-80% 5 ROUNDS: 10 PUSH PRESS 115#/75# 10 PULL UPS 35 DOUBLE UNDERS
Strength: 5min EMOM 3 Back Squats @ 75% 5min EMOM 5 Back Squats @ 65% 5min EMOM 10 Back Squats FAST 15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: T2B Clean and jerk 135/95 Push-up
Warm up: 3rds at easy pace 5 Push up 10 squats 7 Box Jumps 10 DB Push Press With a partner complete: 100 Man Makers 50/35 *While partner A is doing manmakers, partner B will be doing box jump overs 24″/20″* * EMOM partners switch* *Your scores will be time for completition and amount of…
Monday: 8 and 9am classes only. Tuesday: closed 2019 Rules: 20 Burpee penalty for not signing into zen planner 10 Burpee penalty for every min late!!!! Marconi This Hero WOD is named after Detective Benjamin Marconi, who served with the San Antonio Police Department for 20 years, until he was killed by a man…
Strength/Skill – 10 minutes to find your 1 rm C&J. Warm up good!!! AMRAP in 15 minutes: 5 HSPU 9 Hang Power Snatch (95#/135#) 12 Weighted Sit Ups 35/25