Wednesday, 6-5-19
Sit Up
MedBall Twists
Hollow Rocks
16 min AMRAP –
30/25 Cal Row
45 KBS 53/35
20/15 AAB Cal
45 Front Rack Lunges 45/35
Sit Up
MedBall Twists
Hollow Rocks
16 min AMRAP –
30/25 Cal Row
45 KBS 53/35
20/15 AAB Cal
45 Front Rack Lunges 45/35
For Time: 15 Front Squats 155/115 30 T2B 30 Box Jumps (24”/20”) 15 M/U’s ( scale 30 Dips) 30 Push Presses 135/95 30 D/U’s 15 Snatches 115/75 30 Pull Ups 30 Wall Balls 20/14 300 feet overhead walking lunges (45-pound plate/25-pound plate) Skill Work: M/U, HSPU, D/U’s…..
Strength/Skill – OH Squat 21-15-9 O.H. Squat 135/95 Lateral Burpees… Attempt 400m Run in less than 1:45, upon completion of 21-15-9
5 T2B 100 D/U’s 10 T2B 75 D/U’s 15 T2B 50 D/U’s 20 T2B 25 D/U’s 25 T2B 15 Man makers 45/25 Strength/Skill: 15 min to find 1RM OHS
Partner WOD Saturday. The BBQ is Saturday, March 26. Festivities begin after the last WOD @ 11 AM. Let us know how many are attending so we can correctly order. Michael Murphy Memorial Day WOD will take place on Monday, May 28th. There will be two classes, 8 AM & 9 AM. There will be…
Strength: EMOM X 5 5 Strict Presses @ 72.5% of 1RM Avoid the standing bench press, meaning do not lean back. Brace, move your head back slightly, and press straight up. NO over arching. 10 rounds: 16 Box Jumps 12 Kettlebell swings (32/24kg) 9 Burpees to target
12 min EMOM – Not TnG. Work Technique Min 1-4: 2 Sq. Clean & 1 Jerk 50-60% 1RM Min 5-7: 2 Sq. Clean & 1 Jerk 60-72.5% Min 8-9: Sq. Clean & Jerk 72.5-80% Min 10-12: Sq. Clean & Jerk 80%+ ( NOT TnG on the doubles, set up every time to have each rep…