Wednesday, 7-2-14
Strength/Skill:weighted push ups 5×3
25 KB swings 70/53
500m run
50 C2B Pull Ups
500m row
25 wall balls 20/14
500m run
50 D/Us
Strength/Skill:weighted push ups 5×3
25 KB swings 70/53
500m run
50 C2B Pull Ups
500m row
25 wall balls 20/14
500m run
50 D/Us
Closed! Enjoy your families!!! Friday: 9AM Class, 4 and 5PM Class.
Strength:Every 90sec – 2 Power Snatch + 1 Full snatch @70-80% X 5 6 RFT 3 Snatches 155/105 2 Rounds of Cindy 1 Wall Climb
PLEASE NOTE – From Wednesday, July 27th – Monday August 1st – Hours of operation are as follows: Mon Wed Fri 6 AM & 7AM classes only. Tues & Thurs, 6am only. Afternoons will not have 3 or 4 PM classes. 5 and 6 PM classes only. Strength – Bench Press 5-3-3-1 7 min A.M.R.A.P….
CrossFit Total 1RM Strict Press 1RM Back Squat 1RM Deadlift
Strength/Skill – Box Squat 5 x 3 A.M.R.A.P. 20 Minutes 3 Bar Muscle-Ups 6 Hang Power Clean – 115/83 9 D.B. Squat Thrust Jumps
Gym is open….Thank you Nate!!