Closed Thanksgiving. Only 9AM class Friday.
3 Person Team-
For Time:
100 Tire Flips
90 Wall Balls 20/14
80 KBS 53/35
70 Snatches 95/65
60 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Front Squats 155/105
100M Leap Frog
Closed Thanksgiving. Only 9AM class Friday.
3 Person Team-
For Time:
100 Tire Flips
90 Wall Balls 20/14
80 KBS 53/35
70 Snatches 95/65
60 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Front Squats 155/105
100M Leap Frog
Compliments of Javier Aponte!!! 100 D/U’s Assisted (3:1) 30 Burpees 15 Power Snatches 115/75 15 Front Squats 135/95 7 Muscle Ups – (Scaled 3 pull-ups/3 dips) 15 Hang Power Clean and Jerk 115/75 100 D/U’s One bar
Murph is this Saturday…I need a head count for the BBQ. 3 X 5 Back Squat all @ 80% or more. Every 90 sec: 1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk starting at 60% and increasing by 10 lbs until Failure. 3 RFT: 30 Med Ball Cleans (20/14) 50 D/U’s 10…
Deadlifts 5 X 10 @ 60% For Time: 4 rds- 10 Power Clean 135/95 10 HSPU 3 rds- 20 Wall ball 15 KBS 53/35 2rds- 7 Power Snatch 135/95 12 Box Jump 24″/20″ *Scale as needed*
Handstand Practice ‘THE LEGEND’ WOD Chris Kyle Nationwide Friday May 1, 2015 233 Reps Total 4x Pistols (single leg squats) 25 Kettlebell Swings (54#M, 35#F) 50 x Pushups (Chest to Floor) 75 x Pullups 50 x Pushups 25 x Kettlebell Swings 4 x Pistols Christopher “Chris” Kyle (April 8, 1974…
Warm up: 2RD at easy pace 10 BB Power Sntach 5 Behind the Snatch Grip Push Press 5 BB OHS 12 Min EMOM Min 1 & 2 – 3 Power Snatches @ 60% of 1RM Min 3 & 4 – 3 Power Snatches @ 70% Min 5 & 6 – 2 Power Snatches @ 75%…
Strength/Skill – Push Press 5-5-5-3-3-1 W.O.D. 12 min. A.M.R.A.P 5 – Deadlifts 225/185 10 – Wall Balls 20/14