Monday, 5-20-13
Strength/Skill – Push Press 5-5-5-3-3-1
12 min. A.M.R.A.P
5 – Deadlifts 225/185
10 – Wall Balls 20/14
Strength/Skill – Push Press 5-5-5-3-3-1
12 min. A.M.R.A.P
5 – Deadlifts 225/185
10 – Wall Balls 20/14
Warm up: 2rds at easy pace 5 behind neck snatch grip push press 5 good mornings 5 mid shin muscle snatch 5 Sotts press w/PVC 14 min Clock- 5 Min EMOM 3-Position Power Snatch (Floor, below knee, above knee) Min 1 – 45% Min 2 – 50% Min 3 – 55% Min 4 – 60%…
Strength – Power Snatch 5×5 W.O.D. – 4 R.F.T. 20 Burpees 15 Ball Slams 400m run….past Powerhouse!!!! So why no sugar substitutes? Take for instance the dilemma of the diet soda. Most diet sodas are calorie and carb free, caffinated, sweet and totally delicious (this can be debated). At first glance, this sounds Zone perfect…
ATTENTION 5AM CLASS. YOU MUST SIGN IN BY 8PM THE NIGHT BEFORE. Need at least 3 to have the class. You will be able to see from the app who is signed in. *****July 4th hours: 8,9 and 10am only!!! We are starting a 6 week CrossFit weightlifting program beginning Monday. Please see…
0:00 – 12:00 Ladder AMRAP 2 OHS 115/85 1 BMU 4 OHS 2 BMU 6 OHS 3 BMU….(8/4, 10/5, 12/6..) 12:00 – 17:00 Rest 17:00 – 27:00 AMRAP 2 Hang Power Clean 115/85 2 Thruster 115/85 4 Bar Facing Burpee
This is Benchmark week. Warm Up Annie…this is timed. Strength: 5 min EMOM 5 Front Squats All sets between 75-85% 9-11 Tribute WOD 11 Box Jumps 30/24 11 Thrusters125/85 11 Burpee C2B Pull Ups 11 Power Cleans 170/120 11 HSPU’s 11 KBS 11 T2B 11 Deadlifts 170/120 11 Push Jerks 110/75…
20 min to complete 3×10 French Press 3×14(each arm) Bicep Curls superset with 25 banded curls 3×20 Tricep Pull down w/2 second pause at extension 3 sets of BB 21’s Partner WOD 20 min AMRAP 30 AAB 20 Devil’s Press 50/35