Saturday, 8-15-15

We are closed today! Competition Today at CrossFit Impervious​ @ 121 Main Rd., Riverhead. Please wear your Kryptonite shirts. Come support your team mates. Competition followed by a BBQ. If you plan on staying, please bring a side dish. 8AM at Center Moriches High School Track. 5K Remember your times. We will post them!

Friday 8-14-15

Competition Saturday at CrossFit Impervious​. Please wear your Kryptonite shirts. Kryptonite will be closed. Come support your team mates. Competition followed by a BBQ. If you plan on staying, please bring a side dish 15 Min Handstand Walk practice WOD: 5 Min AMRAP- 30 Air Squats 20 Deadlifts 155/105 10 s2oh 155/105 Max Cal Row…

Thursday 8-13-15

Competition Saturday at CrossFit Impervious​. Please wear your Kryptonite shirts. Kryptonite will be closed. Come support your team mates. Competition followed by a BBQ. If you plan on staying, please bring a side dish and BYOB. Every 90 seconds for 9 min: 2 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk 65%x2,70%x2,75%x2 of 1 RM Split jerk…

Tuesday 8-11-15

Competition next Saturday at CrossFit Impervious​. Kryptonite will be closed. Come support your team mates. Competition followed by a BBQ. If you plan on staying, please bring a side dish and BYOB. 3×3 Strict Press, climbing 3×3 Push Press, Start at top set SP For Time: 1 rd Bear Complex 135/95 50 Lunges 1 rd…