Wednesday 9-16-15
7×3 Weighted Dips
*Increasing load each set*
15 Min Strict HSPU work
Hang Power Clean 165/115
D/U x4 (60-40-20)
*15 min Cap*
*Scale as needed*
7×3 Weighted Dips
*Increasing load each set*
15 Min Strict HSPU work
Hang Power Clean 165/115
D/U x4 (60-40-20)
*15 min Cap*
*Scale as needed*
Strength: Front Squat 3×3 @87.5% WOD: 3 Min AMRAP- 5 SDHP 115/85 20 D/U Rest 2 Min 3 Min AMRAP – 6 Goblet Squats 53/35 10 KBS 53/35 Rest 2 Min 3 Min AMRAP – 4 KB Snatch 53/35 8 Pistol *Scale as needed*
For time: 30 calorie row 30 box jump overs, 24/20 inch 30 deadlifts, 180/120 lb. 30 wall-ball shots, 20/14-lb. ball 30 ring dips 30 wall-ball shots, 20/14-lb. ball 30 deadlifts, 180/120 lb. 30 box jump overs, 24/20 inch 30 calorie row….
Strength/Skill – Push Press 5-5-5-3-3-1 W.O.D. 12 min. A.M.R.A.P 5 – Deadlifts 225/185 10 – Wall Balls 20/14
25 min to complete 3×10 Skull Crushers 3×15(each arm) Bicep Curls superset with 25 banded curls 3×20 Tricep Pull down w/2 second pause at bottom superset with 20 bench dips 3 sets of BB 21’s 100 D/U 3:1 30 Pull ups 25 Front squats 155/115 100 D/U 12 min cap
20 min to complete 3×10 French Press 3×14(each arm) Bicep Curls superset with 25 banded curls 3×20 Tricep Pull down w/2 second pause at extension 3 sets of BB 21’s On a 4 minute clock complete: 20 T2B 20 Burpees Max Box Jumps 30/24 in remaining time Rest 2 minutes On a 4 minute clock…
No 6 PM Class Friday, April 27 No 6 PM Class Friday, April 27 Partner WOD Saturday. Two on a team. Strength/Skill – Pistols Run 800m Then 10 rounds of the couplet: 10 H.S.P.U.’S 10 Pistols Then… Run 800m