Monday, 8-8-16
Partner Beach WOD Sat. 8-20!!!!
Clean and Jerk
60% x 3 +1
65% x 3 +1
70% x 2 +1
75% x 2 +1
80% x 2 +1 X 3
21-15-9-15-21 reps for time of:
Deadlifts 185/155
Partner Beach WOD Sat. 8-20!!!!
Clean and Jerk
60% x 3 +1
65% x 3 +1
70% x 2 +1
75% x 2 +1
80% x 2 +1 X 3
21-15-9-15-21 reps for time of:
Deadlifts 185/155
Strength/Skill – 1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Hang Squat Clean = 1 Cluster. 5 x 2 Clusters TnG (70-80% of 1 RM) 5 R.F.T. 7 – Inverted Burpee’s 17 – S.D.H.P – 75/45 27 – Russian Swing 53/35
Strength/Skill: Clean Pull + High Hang Power Clean + Clean X 8 #1 7 min AMRAP Max Wall Balls 20/14 EMOM stop and complete 5 Burpees #2 10 min AMRAP 35 Sit Ups 10 unbroken Backsquats w. 2 second pause at the bottom.
3RDs 10 BB OHS 10 BB Hang Power Snatch 10 BB Snatch Grip Deadlifts EMOM x 12 2 Sq. Snatch Build to a heavy double rest 2 EMOM x 4 Snatch Grip deadlift w/2 second pause at knee @90% 1RM Snatch For Reps- 4 Min AMRAP 200 D/U 2:1 AMRAP Burpee rest 2 min 4Min…
Strength 10 sets Push press x 2 + Push Jerk increasing weight TABATAS Sit-up KBS 35/20 Push up Ring Rows Thruster 45/33
“MURPH” Times: 8 A.M & 9:30 A.M. Saturday! BBQ @ 12:30, please bring your favorite Paleo Dish. Strength/Skill – Weighted pull-up 3×5 — 5 min AMRAP: •5x Handstand push-up •1x Rope climb 5 min AMRAP: •8x Supine ring-row •8x Hand release push-up 5 min AMRAP: •30m Farmer’s walk 53/35 •8x Goblet squat 53/35
Christmas Party is Dec 16th. please sign up at the front desk. 3 Min EMOM X 6 sets 8 Power Snatches 95-65 10 Burpees As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 100′ Bear Crawl 15 Weighted Situps 100′ KB Farmer Carry 53/35 15 GHD Hip Extensions/ Good Mornings