Thursday, 10/30/14
Strength/Skill: Clean Pull + High Hang Power Clean + Clean X 8
7 min AMRAP
Max Wall Balls 20/14
EMOM stop and complete 5 Burpees
10 min AMRAP
35 Sit Ups
10 unbroken Backsquats w. 2 second pause at the bottom.
Strength/Skill: Clean Pull + High Hang Power Clean + Clean X 8
7 min AMRAP
Max Wall Balls 20/14
EMOM stop and complete 5 Burpees
10 min AMRAP
35 Sit Ups
10 unbroken Backsquats w. 2 second pause at the bottom.
Special: 3 months for $300.00, new members only. Call CrossFit Kryptonite in Center Moriches to reserve your spot. 631 909-7377 HERO WOD SATURDAY!!! Please brig something in for our troops!!! For Time: 21-15-9 2 KB walking lunge 53/35 KBS 53/35 rest 2 min 15-12-9 Pistol Ring Row rest 2 min 9-6-3 Power Clean 155/105 Push…
No 5AM classes until September!!! Strength: Backsquats 4×6 @ 80-85% 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 PUSH JERK 135#/95# PULL UPS 3:1 DOUBLE UNDERS AFTER EACH SET
Skill – Sumo Deadlift – 1-1-1-1-1…HEAVY SINGLE NO ONE REP MAXES, IT IS NEW FOR US Advantages in using the Sumo over the conventional style of deadlift. 1. Greater range of knee extension at the bottom of the lift. 2. A more upright posture. 3. The distance the weight must be moved is greatly reduced….
Strength:Every 90sec – 2 Power Snatch + 1 Full snatch @70-80% X 5 6 RFT 3 Snatches 155/105 2 Rounds of Cindy 1 Wall Climb
For time: 21 Deadlift (225/163) 400 M Run 5 Rounds of Cindy 15 Deadlift (225/163) 400 M Run 5 Rounds of Cindy 9 Deadlift (225/163) 400 M Run 5 Rounds of Cindy
Strength: E2MOM for 12Min 8 Power Snatch 95/65 (75/55) With a partner complete “Marston” 20 Min AMRAP 1 Partner Deadlift 405/285 10 T2B 15 Bar Facing Burpee Special Warfare Operator 1st Class William Blake Marston, 31, of Concord, New Hampshire, died Jan. 10, 2015, in DeLand, Florida, during military parachute training. Marston was assigned…