Saturday 9-10-16
Teams of 3 complete
1 Mile Run (as a team, cannot start movements till all 3 are back)
5 RFT – ( each person must complete 1 rep of each movement)
15 Burpee
25 Push Up
25 Sit Ups
25 t2b
25 Pull Ups
100 D/U
Teams of 3 complete
1 Mile Run (as a team, cannot start movements till all 3 are back)
5 RFT – ( each person must complete 1 rep of each movement)
15 Burpee
25 Push Up
25 Sit Ups
25 t2b
25 Pull Ups
100 D/U
Strength: Front Squat 4X6 @ 70% 20 minute AMRAP 25 wall balls (20/14#) 25 D.U.s 25 box jumps (24/20″) 25 K2E 25 pull-ups 25 jump over the bar 25 cleans (135/95#)
If you drink soda read this>>> W.O.D. – Three rounds for time 30 – Box Jumps 15 – Ring Dips 10 – Squat Cleans 135/95 95/65 65/35 5 Wall Climbs 30 Double unders
Strength/Skill – Squat Clean Find your 1RM As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 10 Power cleans, 135/95 15m Handstand walk – don’t worry we have a scale!!
Strength: Push press 5X5 at 70% of 1RM 3RFT Row 500m/ run 400m 50 Back Extensions/ Good Mornings 45/35 40 Sit-ups 30 Wall Balls 20/14
W.O.D. 21-15-9 Turkish get-ups 53/35 Squat cleans 135/95 Pull-ups
Gymnastics 12 min EMOM 1- 12-15 T2B 2- 12-15 Push Up 3- 10-14 Pistol (15-20 Squat) 4 RFT 10 OHS 95/65 15 Power Clean 20 Deadlift