Wednesday, 11-2-16
10 at 65%
8 at 70%
6 at 75%
6 at 80%
4 at 85% of 1 rep max
20 Burpee pull Ups
20 wall Balls 20/14
20 DB Walking Lunges 40/25
20m Crab Walk
20 Weighted Step Ups 40/25
10 at 65%
8 at 70%
6 at 75%
6 at 80%
4 at 85% of 1 rep max
20 Burpee pull Ups
20 wall Balls 20/14
20 DB Walking Lunges 40/25
20m Crab Walk
20 Weighted Step Ups 40/25
20 Min to complete: 3×10 DB Bent Over Row 3×12 Lat DB raises 3×12 Front BB Raises 3×10 Strict Dips 20 Min AMRAP 20/15 AAB 15 KBS 70/53 10 C2B 100′ Farmer’s Carry 70/35 X 2
This blurb and picture was found in a popular magazine seen by millions of people every day….what is happening to our society?! Maybe Cameron and her agents need to read this post from CrossFit Lisbeth, entitled “One Woman’s Request.” “Don’t be nice to me. Not here, not in the gym. Not just because I’m a…
5 RFT 20 Med Ball Cleans 20/14 15 Push Ups 10 Burpees 5 Muscle Up ( push up + dip 3:1)
Closed Thanksgiving. Friday 8 and 9 am only. Christmas Party is Dec 14th here at the gym. It will be $20.00 pp and BYOB. Please sign up at front desk. Back Squats 15 Min to work up to a heavy 3 12 Min AMRAP 10 OHS 115/80 2 MM 50/35 10 Floor…
The Gym is closed today. Anyone interested in running a 5K for a good cause, we will be running the Stan Wong Race. Wear your Kryptonite shirt. The Challenge class is still on!!!
No classes Saturday. We will be doing the Stan Wong Race. For time: 115-lb. deadlifts, 50 reps 50 walking lunges 115-lb. back squats, 40 reps 40 toes-to-bars 115-lb. power cleans, 30 reps 30 burpee box jumps, 24 inch 115-lb. thrusters, 20 reps 20 triple-unders