Saturday, 1-7-16
Ten rounds for time of:
11 Chest to bar pull-ups
22 Front squat 75/45
Ten rounds for time of:
11 Chest to bar pull-ups
22 Front squat 75/45
Strength: Power clean 70%x3 75%x3 80%x2 X2 85%x2 X2 5 RFT: 5 Power Snatches 135/95 10 Floor Presses 135/95 200m Run
Strength/Skill – Clean Complex 1 x 5 (1 Clean, 1 Push Press, 1 Jerk) Five rounds for time of: Run 200 meters 185/135 pound Deadlift, 21 reps
Strength -Push Press 5-5-5-5-5 W.O.D. – 4 R.F.T. 30m Bear Walk 30 Double Unders 30 Box Jumps Injuries and Fun “Accumulating injuries are the price we pay for the thrill of not having sat around on our asses” –Mark Rippetoe Injuries: First- They are a bitch. Pretty simply, they suck. Injuries, even the smallest kinds,…
Strength: Every 90 sec for 8 sets perform: 5 C&J @ 70% + 5 Push Ups Deadlift 7 X 1 Going for Max Effort 12 Min AMRAP 6 Power Snatches 115/75 12 K2E
WOD – Three rounds for time After warm up Squat Clean, 5-5-5 – Fifty percent of one rep max. For time: 95 /55 pound Squat clean, 21 reps 42 Back extensions 95/55 pound Squat clean, 15 reps 30 Back extensions 95/55 pound Squat clean, 9 reps 18 Back extensions Cool Down – K2E on Ropes…
Strength: Back Squat 1×8 @60% 1×8 @65% 1×8 @70% 1×8 @75% WOD: 1-10 10-1 Push Press 155/105 T2B * Begin Every Round with 5 Goblet Squats 70/53* * Scale As Needed *