Friday, 1-20-17
Strength/Skill:OHS 6X3
3 Rounds:
40 ft Front Rack Lunge 155/105
30 Kettle Bell Swings 70/53
20 Floor Presses with KB
Strength/Skill:OHS 6X3
3 Rounds:
40 ft Front Rack Lunge 155/105
30 Kettle Bell Swings 70/53
20 Floor Presses with KB
Strength: Push Press 70%x5 75%x5 80%x3 85%x3 X2 5RFT Row 250m 20 Wall Balls 20/14 20 KBS 53/35
Annie 50-40-30-20-10 D/U’s Sit Ups 30 min EMOM 2 Back Squats @80%
3RDs 10 BB OHS 10 BB Hang Power Snatch 10 BB Snatch Grip Deadlifts EMOM x 12 2 Sq. Snatch Build to a heavy double rest 2 EMOM x 4 Snatch Grip deadlift w/2 second pause at knee @90% 1RM Snatch For Reps- 4 Min AMRAP 200 D/U 2:1 AMRAP Burpee rest 2 min 4Min…
WE ARE RUNNING OUTSIDE FOR 1000 METERS, PLEASE BRING APPROPRIATE ATTIRE. Strength/Skill – SNATCH GRIP DEADLIFT For time: Run 1000 meters 100 Push-ups 20 D.B Split Snatches 10 L 10 R From :36 secs. on
Strength : Front Squat 3×3 @ 85% WOD: 20 Min AMRAP- 10 Push Press 115/85 10 KBS 53/35 10 Box Jumps 24″/20″ *Scale as needed*
PARTNER WOD TOMORROW Strength/Skill – Double Under 1 Round 30 Deadlift – 183/275 50 K.B. Swings 53/35 30 Toes to Bar 50 Box Jumps – 20/24 (Games Standard) 30 One-Armed Thrusters – 35/45 30 Other Arm Thrusters – 35/45