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Tuesday, 3/8/2011
W.O.D. 7 rounds for time: 8 – Deadlifts ( 155/105 ) 6 – Power Cleans 4 – Squat Cleans 2 – Squat Clean and Jerks
Monday, 5-25-15
Todays Classes 9 and 10:30 AM only BBQ 1PM MURPH June 28, 2005 On June 28, 2005, deep behind enemy lines east of Asadabad in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan, a very committed four-man Navy SEAL team was conducting a reconnaissance mission at the unforgiving altitude of approximately 10,000 feet. The SEALs, Lt. Michael…
Wednesday 10-27-15
32 Min EMOM- Min 1: 10 Wall Balls 20/14 Min 2: 5 Sq. Cleans (you choose weight) Min 3: 10 Burpee Min 4: 20/15 Cal Row 10 Min Handstand Work
Wednesday, 10-10 -12
PARTNER WOD SATURDAY !!! RESERVE A PARTNER IN ADVANCE !!!! Strength/Skill – 2 Positon Cleans, Mid Thigh & Below Knee 5 Sets 85% of 1 RM (Not for Load) “The Chief” Max Rounds in 3 mins. of: 3 power cleans (135#/95#) 6 push ups 9 squats rest 1 min and repeat for five rounds count…
Tuesday, 7-12-16
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Friday, 4-6-18
15min Skill work or bench press 4×10 For reps- 0:00-10:00 5 Deadlifts 275/205 10 HSPU 20 Bar Hops 10:00-15:00 rest 15:00-25:00 35 D/U 12 Pull Ups 8 Thruster 115/85