Monday, 5-14-18
I want to thank everyone for making Jolly 51 such a success.
We raised over $2100.00!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Warm Up:
2rds at easy pace
5 Very light DB upright row to press
10 BB Muscle Snatch
10 BB Snatch Grip Push Press
12 min EMOM – Not TnG.
Min 1 & 2: 2 Sq. Snatches 70% 1RM
Min 3 & 4: 2 Sq. Sntaches 75%
Min 5 & 6: 1 Sq Snatch 85%
Min 7 & 8: 1 Sq Snatch 87.5%
Min 9 & 10: 1 Sq Snatch 90%
Min 11 & 12: 1 Sq Snatch 90% +
(Drop between all sets)
*If these go for a heavy single*
*if you cannot squat snatch you will be doing lots of technique work during this time*
5RFT –
20 Pull Up
30 Push Up
40 Sit-Up
50 Air Squats
*25 min Cap*