Monday, 11-12-18
For time:
30 Power Snatches 135/95
1 Mile Run
..right into…
KBS 70/53
Thruster 95/65
*35 min Cap*
For time:
30 Power Snatches 135/95
1 Mile Run
..right into…
KBS 70/53
Thruster 95/65
*35 min Cap*
Awesome Fran!!!!!!!! Strength/Skill – Handstands, HSPU’s, Handstand Walks 15 min A.M.R.A.P. 5 Inverted Burpees 10 Hang Power Snatches 95/65 15 Ring Push-ups CrossFit Kryptonite Scott DeTore
Labor Day – Monday – 9-2-13 – Morning 7&8 am CLASSES ONLY Afternoon Classes 5&6 P.M. Only Partner WOD Team WOD (2 person teams) 3 Rounds for Time Round 1 First person Does 10 C&J’s (135# and 95#) Note: set the rowers for 2100 m while second person rows 250 meters. Using the same rower…
We all know classes start on the hour. Please try to be punctual. Unfortunately tardiness is contagious, as is punctuality. Thank you. Starting MONDAY 6-25-12, THERE WILL NOT BE ANYMORE 5AM CLASSES. ALL TUESDAY / THURSDAY AM CLASSES ARE NOW 6AM & 7AM Strength/Skill -Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2 15 min AMRAP 5 Jerks 115/75 5 Front…
Warm up: 2rds at easy pace 5BB Deadlifts 5 BB Power clean 5 BB Push Press 5 BB Push Jerk 24 min E2MOM – Min 0, 2, 4: 4 P.Clean & Jerk 50-60% 1RM Min 6, 8,10: 3 P.Clean & Jerk 60-72.5% Min 12,14,16: 2 P.Clean & Jerk 72.5-80% Min 18, 20, 22: P.Clean &…
Strength/Skill: Deadlifts 5RM For time: 5 rope climbs 15′ 5 Clean and jerks 95#(65#) 4 rope climbs 4 Clean and jerks 115#(75#) 3 Rope climbs 3 Clean and Jerks 135#(95#) 2 Rope climbs 2 Clean and jerks 185#(115#) 1 Rope climb 1 Clean and jerk 205#(125#)
6 am and 7 o’clock classes cancelled. 9 Min EMOM 1- 7 Strict Press 2- 25 Russian Twist 20/14 3- 15 Med Ball Clean 20/14 Row Intervals(28min, 8sets) 1:30 MAX CAL ROW 2 Min Rest *Score is total Cals*