Wednesday, 1-16-19
Power Snatches
10min [email protected]%
1000/750m Row
80 Wall Balls 20/14
60 Toes to Bar
40 Handstand Pushups
20 Front Squats 135/95
Power Snatches
10min [email protected]%
1000/750m Row
80 Wall Balls 20/14
60 Toes to Bar
40 Handstand Pushups
20 Front Squats 135/95
Strength/Skill – C&J 3-3-2-2-1 15 min AMRAP 5 Wall Climbs 10 T2B 15 m Broad Jump
Strength -Push Press 5-5-5-5-5 W.O.D. – 4 R.F.T. 30m Bear Walk 30 Double Unders 30 Box Jumps Injuries and Fun “Accumulating injuries are the price we pay for the thrill of not having sat around on our asses” –Mark Rippetoe Injuries: First- They are a bitch. Pretty simply, they suck. Injuries, even the smallest kinds,…
11RFT 11 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls (95/65#) 11 Walking Lunges 95/65 11 Weighted sit ups 35/25 Skill work
Come on everyone!!! I think Kryptonite can do better. Our fundraiser is for our military. One last Wod!! This is our last week. Please be generous!!!These people are protecting our families and our freedom! For those of you who donated….thank you! Strength- 8×1 Split Jerk Work up in weight WOD- 28 min running clock :45…
Stan Wong 5K Saturday May 21st in E. Moriches. Don’t forget to sign up..Gym will be closed. Don’t forget to sign up for Murph….May 28th, followed by our annual BBQ. sign up for BBQ. Money is due for Tribal games. Regional wod: With running clock: 0:00-12:00 Randy 75 Snatch 75/55 12:00-30:00 21-15-9-6-3 HSPU C2B Burpee
Hi everyone, I am going to add a new page to our website. A testimonial page. If you could write how Crossfit Kryptonite or how the 6 week challenge has changed your health, body…. please email me. You can sign it or just leave your initials. Thanks Strength: Push Press Build to a Heavy Single…