Saturday, 11-30-19
7 rounds for time:
15 Calorie Row
12 CTB Pullups
9 DB Thrusters 50/35
7 rounds for time:
15 Calorie Row
12 CTB Pullups
9 DB Thrusters 50/35
I’m installing a hand dryer next week. Please bring a sweat towel, there will be no more paper towels….saving trees!!! Perform a set every 5 minutes for 25 minutes (5 sets) 1 minute max Handstand Pushups 20 Pistols 100m Sprint
Saturday: 9AM class only! Granite Games QUALIFIER WORKOUT 15.3 17 Minute AMRAP 50 Calorie Row 50 Wall Ball Shots 50 Shoulder to OH 50 Box Jumps Wall Balls: Men use 20lbs to 10ft, Women use 14lbs to 9ft Shoulder to Overhead: Men use 115lbs, Women use 85lbs Box Jumps: Men use 24in, Women use 20in
Strength: Front Squats 4 @ 70% 4 @75% 4 @78% Find your 4 RM For time: 50 box jumps, 24-inch box 25 handstand push-ups 40 box jumps, 24-inch box 20 handstand push-ups 30 box jumps, 24-inch box 15 handstand push-ups 20 box jumps, 24-inch box 10 handstand push-ups 10 box jumps, 24-inch box 5…
Strength/Skill – BHN Split Jerk 2,4,6,8… 10 minute A.M.R.A.P. Box Jumps 24/20 Alternating DB snatches (45/30) DB push press (45/30)
Gymnastics 12 min EMOM 1- 12-15 T2B 2- 12-15 Push Up 3- 10-14 Pistol (15-20 Squat) 4 RFT 10 OHS 95/65 15 Power Clean 20 Deadlift
Strength: 3 Strict Presses + 2 Push Presses + 1 Push Jerk X 8 5RFT 200m Row 20 Med Ball Twists 20/14 15 SDHP 95/65 10 Goblet Squats 70/53 Rest 1 Min.