Friday, 1-24-20
With a Partner
Min 0-8
15 alt sets of KBS 53/35
rest 2 min
Min 10-18
Build to a Heavy 3 Bench Press
rest 2 min
Min 20-28
Max alt sets of 15/12 Cal Row
With a Partner
Min 0-8
15 alt sets of KBS 53/35
rest 2 min
Min 10-18
Build to a Heavy 3 Bench Press
rest 2 min
Min 20-28
Max alt sets of 15/12 Cal Row
W.O.D. 7 rounds for time: 8 – Deadlifts ( 155/105 ) 6 – Power Cleans 4 – Squat Cleans 2 – Squat Clean and Jerks
20 min to complete 3×8 DB Hammer Curl (superset by 20 banded curls) 3×15 banded tricep pull down(superset with triangle grip push ups to failure) 3 sets of 21’s (increasing weight) 3×10 french press (superset by 20 bench dips) 12 min AMRAP 7 Box Jumps 24/20 14 KBS 53/35
Skill – Handstands W.O.D. 15 min. A.M.R.A.P. 5 – Inverted Burpees 10 – Power Cleans 105 / 75 15 – Box Jumps 24/20 What derails you? There are so many things that can send a well intended train right off it’s track. It’s simple enough right? You wake up and say to yourself; Self, today…
Matt’s Birthday celebration at Brewology tonight. Between 7:30 and 8PM. Congrats to our 3 athletes; Janel, Marcus and Matt for showing Long Island what Kryptoniters are made of!!! For Time: 1000m Row 25 Box Jumps (30″ / 24″) 25 Thrusters (125# / 85#) 25 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-ups 25 Power Cleans (170# / 120#)…
Strength/Skill – 1 1/4 Front Squats 5×3 For time: 9-6-3 Thrusters 135#/95# Handstand push-ups If not RX rep scheme is 21-15-9
Sunday the 24th…Sunday Funday @ 9:30. No 9am class. You will have to sign up at the front desk in advance. It will be a 3 person WOD. So teams of 3! For time: 2000m row 100 Air Squats 1500m row 50 Pull Up 1000m row 25 HSPU