Saturday, 10-29-11
Partner WOD –
250 D/U’s
200 Push Presses 75/45
150 Sledge Hammer Swings
100 Pull-ups
50 Tire Flips (as a team)
One partner runs 400m while the other works. Proper attire if cold.
Partner WOD –
250 D/U’s
200 Push Presses 75/45
150 Sledge Hammer Swings
100 Pull-ups
50 Tire Flips (as a team)
One partner runs 400m while the other works. Proper attire if cold.
Strength/Skill – None Remembering “The Fallen” 5 R.F.T. 9 – Squat Cleans 155/115 11- TGU’s 53/35 01 – Legless Rope Ascent
I need a head count for the BBQ!!! Teams of 3: 100 Calorie Row, 100 Deadlifts 80 Calorie Row, 80 Hang Power Cleans 60 Calorie Row, 60 Front Squats 40 Calorie Row, 40 Push Jerks 20 Calorie Row, 20 Wall Climbs 135/95
Strength/Skill – Push Jerk Technique (Yes we are a hurting a little in that dept.) Partner WOD 3 RFT 10 C&J 135/95 250m Row 40 Air Squats 8 C&J 135/95 350m Row 30 Air Squats 6 C&J 450m 20 Air Squats CrossFit Kryptonite
Strength:Every 90sec – 2 Power Snatch + 1 Full snatch @70-80% X 5 6 RFT 3 Snatches 155/105 2 Rounds of Cindy 1 Wall Climb
Due to Lack of attendance, I will be canceling the 7PM classes Monday and Wednesday. Strength: Snatch Pull 5-5-3-2-1 EMOM for 6Min 5 Snatch Balance Open Wod 11.4 10 min AMRAP 60 Bar Facing Burpees 30 OHS 120/90 10 M/U’s
Memorial weekend schedule: Thursday no 7 PM, Friday 6 & 7 AM, 4, 5, & 6 PM, NO Saturday classes. Memorial Day: 9 AM & 10:30 AM Murph. BBQ is @ 1PM. Strength: Every 90 sec until failure add 20 lbs 1 Front Squat + 2 Split Jerks starting @ 50% of Jerk. Three rounds…