Thursday, 5-10-2012

There will be a Memorial Day “Paleo” BBQ on Monday, May 28th for members and family following the WOD. Bring your favorite Paleo dish. Please sign-up so we can have a head count.
Please go to our facebook page and if you can sign up for ‘The Murph” Memorial Day WOD. It is for another AWESOME cause. Watch the videos. They have a cool shirt.
Also I am sure people are going to a lot of other BBQ’s, so do not feel bad if you have to WOD ,eat, drink and leave on Saturday!!!. Remember to bring your favorite Paleo dish.

Team WOD Saturday -“300” Teams of three
Strength/Skill – Power Clean

15 Power Cleans 115/95
15 Shoulder to Overhead 115/95
15 Bucking Furpees

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