Saturday, 9-8-12
No classes, Running the Riverhead Survival Race….come on down!!!!
No classes, Running the Riverhead Survival Race….come on down!!!!
Strength/Skill – Pistols 3×10 20 min A.M.R.A.P. (Unweighted, yeah!!!!) 15 Box Jumps 24/20 30 D/U or 90 S/U (A good time to work on D/U’s, no excuses) 400m – run
-6,7, & 8 A.M. CLASSES ON LABOR DAY 9-3-12. NO EVENING CLASSES. -TUESDAY AND THURSDAY SCHEDULE CHANGE AS OF 9-5-12 (THURSDAY) 5 A.M. & 6 A.M. ONLY. THERE WILL NOT BE ANYMORE 7 A.M.’S 40-30-20-10 reps for time of: Kettlebell swing (1,5/1 pood) Wallball (20/14 lbs) Box jump (24/20 )
Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Clean Do not go over 85% of 1 RM. Try to listen. Our technique will not improve trying to find your 1 RM every time when doing strength. 3×70,75 & 80%. Hands do not leave bar for set of 3’s. If they do….you went too heavy. 20 min A.M.R.A.P. 1 –…
July 4th 8,9,am classes WOD With a partner, complete: 400m run 60 Burpees 60 Wall balls (20#/14) 60 Push ups 60 OH squats use 45% of 1 rep max 60 Sumo deadlift high pulls (75/55) 60 Ring dips 60 OH lunges with (45#/25) plate 60 Toes to bar 120 Double unders 800m run 1 person…
25 C&J 135/95 35 T2B 45 Wall Balls 20/14 55 Box Jumps 24/20 45 Wall Balls 20/14 35 T2B 25 C&J 135/95
800 m run 70 KB Swings 600 m run 50 KB Goblet Squats 400 m run 30 Burpees w/ lateral hop over KB 200 m run 100′ KB OH Walking Lunge (50′ right arm, 50′ left arm) Skills