Fri. 12/31/2010
Have a Happy New Year with your family and be safe!!!!!!!
Have a Happy New Year with your family and be safe!!!!!!!
Warm up 2 RDs 8 BB Snatch Grip Deadlifts 8 BB Hang Power Snatch 8 BB OHS 8 Burpee 5 min EMOM 3-position Power Snatch (High Hang, Above knee, Floor) start @ 40% 1 RM Power Snatch *use this as a primer for the next work* rest 2 min Every 1:30 for 9 min 1…
Tribal Games Friday Night, no 6pm class. Strength: Box Squats 5X3 increasing weight Partner WOD Only one partner can be working at a time, the other partner must be in a hold. If partner 2 is not holding that position, partner 1 cannot count reps. Every time you switch roles, both partners must do 5…
20 Min EMOM: 1:12 Thruster 75/55 2: 10-15 C2B 3: 12 Jumping Squat 4- :50 Plank rest 5 min 10 min AMRAP 20 KBS 70/53 10 HSPU 2:1
Christmas Party is Dec 16th. please sign up at the front desk. Strength: Front Squat 6×3 w/5sec descend Sumo Deadlift 2×3@60% 2×3@70% 1×3@80% 1×3@90% 8min AMRAP: 30 D/U 8 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35 4 Broad Jumps ( Long Length of mat)
Saturday, May 19th’s WOD is the Stan Wong 5K. We will have no classes at the gym. Meeting place is Newport Beach. Please register at for the race. Thanks Strength/Skill – Front Rack Lunges 21-18-15-12-9-6 Front Rack Walking Lunges (Opportunity to improve on racked position) Toes through Rings
10 min EMOM 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk 3 RFT 20/15 Calorie Row 18 Wall balls 20/14 16 Alt DB Snatches 50/35 14 Lat Burpees over DB *22 min Cap*