Friday 11-18-16
Deficit HSPU/ HSPU/ Strict HSPU…
3 RFT:
400m Run
30 Wall Ball 20/14
20 C2B Pull Up
10 Sq. Snatch 135/95
Deficit HSPU/ HSPU/ Strict HSPU…
3 RFT:
400m Run
30 Wall Ball 20/14
20 C2B Pull Up
10 Sq. Snatch 135/95
Christmas party December 17. Sign up at front desk. STRENGTH: 8 SETS 2 CLEAN HIGH PULLS + 1 POWER CLEAN @ 75-85% 21 MIN EMOM MIN 1-10 DEADLIFTS 185/125 MIN 2-15 BOX JUMPS 24/20 MIN 3-20 MED BALL TWISTS 20/14
Strength: Push Press 70%x5 75%x5 80%x3 85%x3 X2 5RFT Row 250m 20 Wall Balls 20/14 20 KBS 53/35
Strength/ Skill: 3 Tempo 2-0-4-1 Deadlifts @ 60%. (2 sec. count up, 0 sec. at top, 4 sec.count down, 1 sec. rest. There are many reasons to use tempo training. Here’s just a brief list: •Improved body awareness •Improved control of lifts •Development of connective tissue strength •Improved stability •Focus on muscular elements versus tendinous…
For time: 30 Power Snatches 135/95 1 Mile Run ..right into… 30-20-10 KBS 70/53 Thruster 95/65 *35 min Cap*
July 4th: 9AM class only…partner WOD Power Clean and Jerk 60%x3+1, 65%x3+1, 70%x2+1, 75%x2+1 x4sets (60%x3+1 = 3 cleans 1 jerk) 21-15-9 Power Snatch 75/45 DB Thruster 40/20 Ring Push Up
Max SDHP 95/65 in 1 minute Max S2O 95/65 in 1 minute Max Medicine Ball Clean 20/14 in 1 minute Max SDHP in 2 minutes Max S2O in 2 minutes Max Med Ball Clean in 2 minutes Max SDHP in 3 minutes Max S2O in 3 minutes Max Med Ball Clean in 3 minutes