Friday, 11-30-12
Strength/Skill – Jerk Dip Squat 3-3-3-3 95% of Squat Clean Weight
15-12-9 of
KB/DB Power Cleans to Thrusters 53/35
If you are not using 53/35….
…Your rep scheme is 21-15-9.
Strength/Skill – Jerk Dip Squat 3-3-3-3 95% of Squat Clean Weight
15-12-9 of
KB/DB Power Cleans to Thrusters 53/35
If you are not using 53/35….
…Your rep scheme is 21-15-9.
Labor Day – Monday – 9-2-13 – Morning 7&8 am CLASSES ONLY Afternoon Classes 5&6 P.M. Only Strength/Skill – Power Snatch 4 x 3 TnG @ 80 % A.M.R.A.P. 12 mins. 10 Squat Clean Thrusters 10 KB Swings Comp: 135/95, 2/1.5 Rx: 115/80, 1.5/1 Advanced: 95/65, 1.5/1 Beginner: 75/55, 1/1 Stay thirsty my friends!!!
Skill/Strength – Romanian Deadlift -Let’s go to the video tape!!! 15-12-9-6-3- Power Cleans 135/95 Bar Facing Burpees CrossFit Kryptonite
W.O.D. – 3 R.F.T. 400m Run 15 Hang D.B. Squat Cleans 30 Double Unders The power of the mind, practice and the human body. The human body is a powerful machine, when you set your mind to using it. Imagine the confidence, control and practice those humans needed in order to perform such feats. When…
Athletes report to gym at 6PM for Open Judging. WORKOUT 16.4 Rx’d Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of: 55 deadlifts 55 wall-ball shots 55-calorie row 55 handstand push-ups (scaled HR push ups, masters push presses) Men deadlift 225 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target Women deadlift 155…
Strength: Work up to a 10 rep Max Deadlift 20 Min AMRAP 250m Row 10 Deadlifts (first set must be unbroken) 10 Strict Presses 45/25DB 50′ Weighted Bear Crawl 45/24 DB
Kryptonite Catalog coming out next week. Christmas Party is Dec 16th. please sign up at the front desk. 40 RFT: 6 Pistols 4 DB Step Ups 45/30 1 Wall Climb