Wednesday, 6-7-17
Strength: Work up to a 10 rep Max Deadlift
20 Min AMRAP
250m Row
10 Deadlifts (first set must be unbroken)
10 Strict Presses 45/25DB
50′ Weighted Bear Crawl 45/24 DB
Strength: Work up to a 10 rep Max Deadlift
20 Min AMRAP
250m Row
10 Deadlifts (first set must be unbroken)
10 Strict Presses 45/25DB
50′ Weighted Bear Crawl 45/24 DB
Warm up: 2rds at easy pace 10 BB Behind the neck Snatch Grip Push Press 10 BB OHS 10 BB Muscle Snatch E2MOM for 12 min 1 Hip Snatch + 1 Above Knee Hang snatch + 1 Snatch + 1 OHS yes squat and build to a heavy complex 18min AMRAP 15 Thrusters 95/65 5…
“I can’t squat – I have bad knees…” Needless to say, we’ve heard this one a few times before. We’re not saying that this statement doesn’t hold some validity, rather people often simply reiterate what they’ve heard or what an uninformed doctor has told them. The fact is, squatting is not only excellent for strength…
Strength: Power Clean and Jerk Work up to a heavy triple. For time: 500m row Immediately into… 9-15-21 reps of: Squat Clean 135/95 Chest-to-bar Pull-up Wall Balls 20/14
25 C&J 135/95 35 T2B 45 Wall Balls 20/14 55 Box Jumps 24/20 45 Wall Balls 20/14 35 T2B 25 C&J 135/95
Strength: Back Squat 10 @ 50% 10 @ 60% 6 @ 65% 6 @ 70% 4 @ 75% Strict Press 3×5 Push Press 3×3 Push Jerk 3×1 7 Min AMRAP 3 Hang Power Clean 135/95 3 S2O 135/95 6 Burpee over bar
For time: 30 Power Snatches 135/95 1 Mile Run ..right into… 30-20-10 KBS 70/53 Thruster 95/65 *35 min Cap*