Friday, 3-6-15
6 and 7am classes cancelled tomorrow…shooting for 9am
Clean & Jerk – 70%x1, 75%x1, 80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1
Back Squat – 70%x1, 75%x1, 80%x1, 85%x1, 75%x3x2
Workout 15.2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 10 reps
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 12 reps
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 14 reps
14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds.