Friday, 4/15/11
Strength – Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
12 Burpees (bar facing)
10 Overhead Squats 65/95 lbs
8 Pull-ups
Strength – Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
12 Burpees (bar facing)
10 Overhead Squats 65/95 lbs
8 Pull-ups
Christmas Eve hours 8 and 9am only. Closed Christmas Day. No 5 am classes next week. 12 min EMOM Even Minutes: 3 Back Squats Odd Minutes: 1 Front Squat Barbell Loaded at 79% of 1RM Front Squat For Both Lifts 5 RFT 500m Row 15 OHS 95/65 5 Wall Climbs *24 min Cap*
E2MOM for 8 min 4 Tempo Deadlifts Tempo= Stand, 2 sec pause at top, 6 sec descend, no pause at botttom 4 RFT 12 DB Power Clean 50/35 12 Single Arm DB Push Press (6L, 6R) 50/35 6 Devil Press 50/35 *15 min Cap*
NO 5AM CLASS TODAY!! 3 RDs 15 Reverse Hypers 10 BB Hang Power Snatch 200m run Deadlift 3×3 @ 75% 3×2 @ 80% 3×1 @ 85% 21-15-9 Power Snatch 115/85 SA OH Walking Lunge 50/35 x2 (42-30-15) Deadlift 115/85 *20min Cap*
Strength/Skill – Deadlift – Find your 3 RM (Hands do not leave bar) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Floor Press 135/95 Power Clean 135/95
Seated Box Jumps 5 rounds: 1 RD= 200m Sprint, 100m jog, 100m Sprint 4min rest b/t rounds
We would like to say thank you for particpating in Fight Gone Bad 6. We raised a total nine hundred and forty dollars. The W.O.D. went very smooth and there were some P.R.’s set. For the first timers you can understand why this was named Fight Gone Bad, especially after the effort you put forth….