Friday, 4/22/11
Strength – Thrusters 5-5-5-5-5
W.O.D. – 4 Rounds for Time
Row 300m
30 Broad Jumps
25 Back Extensions
20 Deadlifts 205/155
Thrusters: Tips & Tricks
A thruster is a simple movement really… a front squat and a press. This deadly duo packs quite a punch due to the range of motion it entails and stabilization it requires. Hmmm… that pretty much why we love to program the thruster: it moves a large load a long distance and quickly! But, how can you make the thruster a more pleasurable experience?
Let’s start by reviewing the mechanics of the squat. The squat is initiated with the hips moving back and down, which balances the load in the frontal plane and loads the hamstrings. As you descend into the squat, drive your knees out (laterally) over your feet to prevent shear on the knee and the most efficient transfer of power. As you squat, stabilizing your spine is supremely important as well, keeping your torso rigid and your spine safe.
The press is simply moving the load from a shoulder racked position to an overhead position. The position of load on the shoulders is best carried with the elbows under or slightly in front of the load. Of course, the most efficient path for the load to travel is a straight line. A press is completed when the load is directly over the heels with elbows locked out and shoulders in your ears (active).
Now, back to our mission: how to make a thruster easier. A thruster is very demanding on both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (i.e. your heart rate and breathing). Because the thruster has such a long range of motion and requires stabilization of your midline, you can bet that your muscles are going require quite a bit of oxygen to complete the task. You can set yourself up for success by thinking ahead and anticipating the demand by breathing more air, more often. Stay ahead of the game and prevent oxygen deficiency by exhaling all your air twice per rep: once at the top and once at the bottom.
Lastly, as you fatigue, which you undoubtedly will, open your hips more dynamically. Instead of thinking – squat, stand, and press… begin thinking – squat, jump, press. Now in reality you won’t be jumping, but this dynamic nature of the hip drive will help drive the load overhead with less demand on the shoulders. Core to extremity. Jeez, is this a theme?