Friday, 5-5-17
Strength: Deadlifts
For time:
10 Power Cleans (185/135)
30 Burpees
10 Power Cleans
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Power Cleans
30 Burpee Box Jumps
Strength: Deadlifts
For time:
10 Power Cleans (185/135)
30 Burpees
10 Power Cleans
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Power Cleans
30 Burpee Box Jumps
60/45 Cal Row 45 wall Balls 20/14 15 MU ( 15 C2B and 15 Dips or 20 Pull Ups and 15 Dips) 48/36 Cal Row 36 Wall Balls 12 MU (12 C2B and 12 Dips or 18 Pull Ups and 12 Dips) 36/27 Cal Row 27 Wall Balls 9 MU (9 C2B and 9 Dips…
Strength: Every :20 for 6 min 3 Strict Press start @ 50% 1RM (if you can increase, do it) 16 min AMRAP 50 Cal Row 40 Overhead Walking Lunge 45/35 30 Power Clean 135/95 20 Ring M/U (20 c2b pull up + 20 Dips) 10 Thruster 135/95
Strength: SNATCH 1RM 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 HANG POWER SNATCH 115#/75# Pull UPS
3 RDs 10 Squats 10 BB Deadlifts 15 Sit Up Front Squats 5×5 @ 70-80% 1RM 5RFT 200m Run 15 Weighted Sit ups 35/25 10 Deadlifts 315/225 * 22 min Cap*
“CrossFit Total” Back squat, 1 rep Shoulder Press, 1 rep Deadlift, 1 rep Click here to read about the CrossFit Total
Strength/Skill – HBBS: 1X5 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 85%, 1X2 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95% WOD: Seven rounds for time: 3 Cleans (185/115) 4 Handstand Pushups