Friday, 6-28-13
Strength/Skill – Below the Knee Hang Power Snatch 5×2
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: HSPU
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10: Ground to OH (155/105#)
Strength/Skill – Below the Knee Hang Power Snatch 5×2
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: HSPU
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10: Ground to OH (155/105#)
“Zeus” 3 RFT: 30 Wall Ball 20/14 30 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 75/55 30 Box Jump 20/18 30 Push Presses 75/55 30 Cal Row 30 Push-Ups 10 Back Squats (Bodyweight) *Take the back squats from a rack*
Strength/Skill – Working with a partner you have twelve minutes to find your 1 RM Deadlift Front Squat Press (Strict) Add total weight for your score. Click here to register/donate to 31 Heroes Project
TAAAABAAAATAAAAZZZ!!!!!!! Jumping pull-ups Rest 1 minute Squats (45lb. plate) Ring push-ups Rest 1 minute Deadlifts (165lbs.) Add up score!!!!!
0:00-6:00 Burpee AMRAP 10:00-24:00 3 Rds 20 Pull Up 30 Push Up 40 Sit up 50 Air Squat 27:00- 33:00 10 Power Clean + Jerk 135/95 10 Power Clean + Jerk 155/115 10 Power Clean +Jerk 185/135 10 Power Clean + Jerk 205/155 AMRAP Power Clean + Jerk 225/165
Strength: Deadlifts: 3-3-3-2-2-1-1 working up to a heavy single 2011 CrossFit Games Regional Workout 6 For time: Row 20 calories 30 Burpees 45 pound Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead, 40 reps 50 Toes to bar 100 foot Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead 150 foot Sprint
Rowing relay with partner: 2 X 100m 2 x 200m 2 X 300m 2 X 400m 2 X 500m 2 X 400m 2 X 300m 2 X 200m 2 X 100m 10 Rounds AMRAP 1 min 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups with remaining time max rep box jump (24/20)