Friday, 8-5-16
5X3 Between 75-85%
Partner Wod
800m run
100 KBS 53/35
100 Med Ball twists 20/14
100 SDHP 53/35
400m run
5X3 Between 75-85%
Partner Wod
800m run
100 KBS 53/35
100 Med Ball twists 20/14
100 SDHP 53/35
400m run
With a partner, any way you would like complete: 1600m Run with Wall Ball (both run the mile, trade the ball as needed) 100 Partner Over Burpees (one person holds a plank position while the other person does a burpee next to them and then jumps over the planking partner – don’t miss and kick…
20 min to complete 3×10 French Press 3×14(each arm) Bicep Curls superset with 25 banded curls 3×20 Tricep Pull down w/2 second pause at extension 3 sets of BB 21’s On a 4 minute clock complete: 20 T2B 20 Burpees Max Box Jumps 30/24 in remaining time Rest 2 minutes On a 4 minute clock…
Strength/Skill – Death by 10m. See if you can beat Steve Collins’ 12 Only thing is he did it in sand!!! “Team DT” 5 rounds for time of: 12 Dead Lifts, 185/135 9 Hang Power Cleans, 185/135 6 Push Jerks, 185/135 One athlete completes all of the Deads, HPC and Jerks, then passes off to…
We would like to welcome CrossFit Sanctuary members tomorrow @ 9 A.M. Please come down and WOD with us. Strength/Skill – O.H. Squat 1 RM 5 R.F.T. 5 C2B Pull-ups 5 Walk out walk in Push-ups 10 Deadlifts 135/95 10 Front Squats 135/95 (No Rack)
Skill – Double Unders W.O.D. – Alternating Tabata Push Press 75/45 Front Squat 75/45 Morning classes 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am Evening hours 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm
Strength/Skill – Hang Clean – 5 x 2 Ten rounds for time: 3 Handstand push-ups 6 Pistols 12 Pull ups 24 Double unders