Mon. 12/27/2010
Strength – Back Squat 3×5
10 rounds for time:
1 Power Clean 155 / 105 lbs
3 Front Squats 155 / 105 lbs
1 Split Jerk 155 / 105 lbs
10 Push-ups
Strength – Back Squat 3×5
10 rounds for time:
1 Power Clean 155 / 105 lbs
3 Front Squats 155 / 105 lbs
1 Split Jerk 155 / 105 lbs
10 Push-ups
Back Squat 5×5 @ 60-70% of 1 RM “Cindy” 20 min AMRAP 5 Pull Up 10 Push Up 15 Squats
Strength/Skill – None Remembering “The Fallen” 5 R.F.T. 9 – Squat Cleans 155/115 11- TGU’s 53/35 01 – Legless Rope Ascent
Warm up: 2 RDs at easy pace 100m Run 10 BB Deadlifts 10 Reverse Hypers 5 Push Ups Partner Double “Ralph” 4RFT 16 Deadlifts 250/170 32 Burpees to Plate 25/15 6 Rope Climbs 1200m Run *40 min Cap* British Army Second Lieutenant Ralph Johnson, 24, of South Africa, assigned to the Household Cavalry Regiment, based…
Closed Thanksgiving. Friday: 8 and 9 am only. Christmas Party Dec. 15th. $20.00 pp 12 min Alt EMOM: Even Minutes: 3 Back Squats Odd Minutes: 1 Front Squat Barbell Loaded at 72% of 1RM Front Squat (Both Lifts) 18 min AMRAP 10 Ring Dips 20 DB Snatch 50/35 30 Walking Lunges (no weight)…
8 and 9am classes today. Rope climbs tomorrow….shin protection!!! Partner WOD Buy-in: 300 Single Unders..Partner Planks …then… 20 Handstand Push-ups 40 Wall-Balls 20/14 50 Box Jumps 24/20 60 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 53/35 60 Weighted Sit-ups 45/30 50 Box Jumps 40 Wall-Ball 20 Handstand Push-ups …then… Sell-out: 2000m Row…partner planks
Warm up: 2rds at easy pace 5 behind neck snatch grip push press 5 good mornings 5 mid shin muscle snatch 5 Sotts press w/PVC 14 min Clock- 5 Min EMOM 3-Position Power Snatch (Floor, below knee, above knee) Min 1 – 45% Min 2 – 50% Min 3 – 55% Min 4 – 60%…