Monday, 1-23-17
Strength: Back Squat Waves: 5 Reps AFAP
5 Toes to Bar
10 Hand-Release Pushups
15 Wallballs (20/14)
Strength: Back Squat Waves: 5 Reps AFAP
5 Toes to Bar
10 Hand-Release Pushups
15 Wallballs (20/14)
Today 8 and 9AM classes only. Friday: 9AM Class, 4 and 5PM Class. “12 Days of Christmas WOD” 1 50m Sprint 2 Snatches 3 Wall Balls 4 Hang Squat Cleans 5 Bar Burpees 6 Squat Jumps 7 Box Jumps 8 Kettlebell Swings 9 Toes to Bar 10 Thrusters 11 Situps 12 Pistols (each leg) RX…
The back of….Deb “Shredded Wheatie” Beattie!!! Paleo Kits and Paleo Crunch are availble. Go wheat free…..All jerky is grass fed beef, the best kind of meat one can put in their body!!!! Strength/Skill – Push Press Fabuolous “50” …Mariana’s 50th Birthday…and Happy Birthday to Fabulous Phil Archer!!! For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box…
WOD Teams of 3 complete 1 Mile Run (as a team, cannot start movements till all 3 are back) 5 RFT – ( each person must complete 1 rep of each movement) 15 Burpee 25 Push Up 25 Sit Ups 25 t2b 25 Pull Ups 100 D/U
DON’T FORGET TO VOTE TODAY!!! Strength 3 sec Pause Back Squats 8 min EMOM 3 @60%-70% 12 Min AMRAP 6 Pull Ups 9 T2B 12 Front Squats 95/65
Just a Reminder: waters are $1.00 each. For the summer there will be no 5Am class on Fridays and no 10am on Saturdays. E2MOM for 10 min 3 Tempo Strict Press + 2 Split Jerk Tempo starts at the top = 5 Second down to shoulder, zero at shoulder, explode to over…
Breakfast frittata recipe! Ingredients: 8 eggs 4 blocks of meat, (I used meatballs) 8 total blocks of veggies. I used 2 cups of sweet potatoes and 2 cups of peppers and onions nonstick spray 3 T avocado, 1 block fruit per serving hot sauce (optional) chili powder, salt and pepper Preparation: Start by cubing the…